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Below are links to essays and online sources that either discuss broader issues related to conducting historical research in the PRC, or specifically introduce types of sources and how to find them. At the moment they are listed chronologically, beginning with the most recent articles.

Dealing with Re-classified Documents in China by Charles Kraus (September 2015)

Diaries (日记) by Michael Schoenhals (2014)

People's Court Status Reports (法院情况简报) by Michael Schoenhals (2014)

Accessing Primary Documents in China by Vivian Li (Dissertation Reviews, January 2014)

谈文革资料收藏 by Michael Schoenhals (记忆,第84期,2012年)

Les nouvelles sources chinoises sur l'histoire politique de la " première Chine populaire " (1949-1976) : bilan provisoire by Jean-Luc Domenach and Xiaohong Xiao-Planes (2011)

In Search of Old Chinese Films by Amanda Shuman (The China Beat, March 2011)

Finding & Using Grassroots Historical Sources from the Mao Era by Jeremy Brown (Dissertation Reviews, December 2010)

复旦的“文革”资料哪里去了? by Jin Dalu (《史林》第92期,2006年)

essays.1444386838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/09 03:33 by prcadmin